Wednesday What Herb Is This – Solomon’s Seal

August 26, 2009 at 10:18 am (Associations, Autum Equinox, Herbs, Lore, Mabon, Magic, pagan, Protection, Solomon's Seal, Tools, Wednesday, Winter)

Also Called: Lady’s Seals, St. Mary’s Seal, Sigillum Sanctae Mariae, Scean de Solomon. Dropberry, Sealwort & Sealroot. Latin name: Polygonatum multiflorum Part Used: Root
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Description: Herb
Associations: It is associated with the Fall equinox. It is identified with Saturn and with the element of fire.

This herb gets its name from the fact that when the plant dies back in the fall, and the stalk falls from the root, the scar left behind is shaped like a Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon. It is said that King Solomon, renowned not only for being wise but also for practicing sorcery, put his seal on this plant to indicate its worth. He is also said to have kept demons confined in a jar by means of a "miraculous seal," therefore Solomon’s Seal is widely thought to be a powerful protector and is used for the purpose of warding off evil. It is also said to bring success in financial matters.

You can place chips of Solomon’s Seal root along your window sills to protect the home. It can also be burned to help make wise decisions in career and business. It can also be blended with mint and balm of gilead for a cleansing bath, (to be used when evil has befallen a person, to put a stop to the evil and encourage a fresh start). To exorcise evil or unwanted spirits from your home, sprinkle a bit of this dried herb in each corner of every room. Then anoint the door knobs & window sills with protection oil**. You would also use the herb in protection spells and mixtures. Infusion of the root may be cast about a place to exorcise it of evil and negative forces. You can also add (nine drops of) this oil to your scrub water and wash around all entrances thoroughly to cleanse of evil/negativity, and bar it from entering. Solomon’s Seal can be added to incense so that the smoke can cleanse and purify a sacred space or can be scattered to the four winds to purify a large area.

It is used in ceremonial magic to bind magical workings, make sacred oaths and promises and keep them ever binding. Solomon’s Seal was once believed to have aphrodisiac properties, and is still used in love potions – it amplifies the effect of other amatory herbs. It can also be used in the consecration of magical objects as it tends to hold the magical charge in the object. Carry in an amulet or sachet for all-purpose protection. Use in protection magic to exorcise spirits and ward off negative influences and demons. Keep on your altar to promote success in all rituals. The root has also been used as a means of calling the Elementals. 

Solomon’s Seal is edible and medicinal, the young edible shoots are an excellent vegetable when boiled and eaten like Asparagus. The root is edible after boiling in three changes of water, or sun baked, and is a good source of starch.

This herb has a long history of use in alternative medicine dating back to the time of Dioscorides and Pliny. The dried herb is taken as a laxative and restorative, and is good for inflammations of the stomach and bowels, indigestion, and relief of lung ailments. It’s use is indicated when there is profuse menstruation, as well as various other female problems, such as vaginitis, pelvis weakness, prolapse, painful menstruation and menstrual cramps (PMS). It is also indicated for use in treating piles and chronic dysentery. A medicinal poultice of the fresh roots is said to fade bruises and can also be applied to cuts and sores. Solomon’s Seal is an astringent, demulcent and tonic.

The Cherokee censed their homes with this root (it smells like fresh popcorn). The Menominee smudged with it to revive unconscious patients. The 16th-century herbalist John Gerard claimed Solomon’s seal rhizome was a panacea for cuts, wounds, and bruises of all kinds, including those "gotten by falls or women’s willfulness in stumbling on their hasty husbands’ fists." Solomon’s seal roots contain a substance called allantoin, which when derived from other plant sources is used in modern medications for the external treatment of wounds and skin ulcers. It works to harmonize, feed, lubricate, and tighten or loosen (as needed) tendons, ligaments, attachments, and joints. It is a valuable connective tissue anti-inflammatory, and is known to help moderate the symptoms of osteoarthritis. In addition, it helps to calcify and strengthen bones and decalcify unhealthy deposits. It also joins and seals broken bones, harmonizing and strengthening the entire muscular-skeletal system. Solomon’s Seal produces what is called a "plastic response", wherein diseased or injured tissues return to their original quality. It is known to regenerate cartilage through adjusting the connective tissue tensions on joints.

***Please note: this is an endangered species. Gather it with reverence and only when you find a large patch (take only a few, leave at least seven healthy plants).

**Protection Oil
This one is best made on The Dark of the Moon.

  • 1 dram-sized bottle
  • 1/2 dram Sweet Almond Oil
  • 3 drops Amber Oil
  • 1 drop Jasmine Oil
  • 7 drops Dark Musk Oil (Plain Musk may be substituted)
  • 5 drops Rue Oil
  • 3 small pieces Dragon’s Blood Resin
  • 1 pinch coarse Sea Salt

Add the ingredients and shake, to mix well, after each addition.

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