Friday Form A Circle – Sun Circle: A Ritual for A Group of Children

June 18, 2010 at 9:51 am (Ancestors, Associations, Blessing, Children, Circle, Friday, Kids, Litha, Magic, Midsummer, pagan, Ritual, Sun, Witch, Witchlets)

Sun Circle: A Ritual for A Group of Children
From Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children
by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac;

Activity: Form a circle and use oranges to symbolize the sun. Recall the many gifts that we receive from the sun.

Goals: Understand the important things that the sun provides for us, such as food, energy, heat and light. Understand that we can show our appreciation for these gifts.

Age: Younger Children and Older Children

Procedure: Have the children stand in a circle with their eyes closed. Have each child hold one hand open, palm up, in front of him or her. Take chilled orange sections, or pieces of other bright, sunshine-like fruit, and place one in each waiting hand. Ask the children to guess what you have passed out. Once someone has guessed correctly instruct the children to open their eyes but not to eat the oranges yet. Hold up a whole orange and tell the children that it represents the sun. Have each child name one thing that we receive from the sun; then he or she can eat the orange slice. Remind the children that it is the food energy created from sunlight by plants that enables people to do this, or any other activity.

Materials: Sunny area, enough chilled and peeled oranges to provide one section for each child, a whole orange.

A suggestion from BabooKyra: I’m going to do this with my campers. The only thing I’m going to change is that we will pick the oranges ourselves and use whole oranges. After the ritual, I’ll give them spices to make pomanders. The scent will remind them of camp for years.

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Friday Form A Circle – Litha Ritual

May 28, 2010 at 9:47 am (altar, Ancestors, Circle, Dedication, Friday, Litha, Magic, Midsummer, pagan, Ritual, Witch)

Litha Ritual
From Dragonshadow Lair

Special notes: Rededication to the Great Goddess and Great God. Time when the Sun casts three rays to light the world.

Altar supplies: Incense, burner, chalice of water, salt, pentacle, dagger, 4 element candles, chalice of wine, wand. A red candle (set to the right of cauldron)cup of fresh water set in the cauldron with a green or blue candle on the left.

Cast the Circle
Light the green candle to the left of cauldron

Green forest Mother, bless this water, I do ask. 
Great One of the stars, spinner of fates, I give honor to you, 
and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.

Light the red candle to the right of cauldron

Mighty Sun God, god of fertility and plenty, be here with me now, I do ask. I give honor to you, and call upon you in your ancient names, known and unknown.

Raise your arms over the cauldron and say

This is the sacred cauldron of the Triple Goddess. 
The touch of its consecrated water blesses and renews, even as the rays of the Sun nourish and bless all life.

Pass your hands/arms between the two candles, making wishes as you do; or set them on the floor and walk between them. Dip forefinger of your power hand into the cauldron water and trace a pentagram on your forehead. Kneel before the altar to rededicate your life to the Old Gods.

I will serve the Great Goddess and give reverence to the Great God. I am a pagan, a stone of the ancient circle, standing firmly balanced upon the Earth, yet open to the winds of the heavens, and enduring through time. May the Old Gods witness my words!

Place wine chalice on pentacle and lift it high

Honor to the Old Gods! Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

Drink the wine, saving some to be put out for the little people or to be given to the earth

Continue with a Simple Feast and Closing the Circle 

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Friday Form A Circle – Litha Ritual

May 21, 2010 at 10:15 am (Banish, Circle, Friday, Litha, Magic, Midsummer, pagan, Ritual, Solitary, Witch)

Litha Ritual
Garden of the Midnight Moonchild

Envision a spiral blaze of sparks from a comet’s tail.

"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."

When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision the same comet tail that formed your shield at the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the southern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).

"Now mystify midsummer magic and satisfy midsummer charms.
Midsummer power charge my spirit waxing as the summer warms."

Call Quarters Facing south

"Flames of the midsummer bonfire. Heat of the midsummer sun. Heart of the midsummer starlight. Your purity holds me guides and enfolds me. Welcome Spirit of Fire to my rite."

light the red candle.
Call Quarters Facing west

"Cascading midsummer rivers. Powerful midsummer tides.
Wellspring of midsummer delights. Your empathy holds me
guides and enfolds me. Welcome Spirit of Water to my rite."

light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north

"Towering midsummer mountains. Fertile the midsummer field.
Unyielding midsummer earth-might. Stability holds me guides and enfolds me. Welcome Spirit of Earth to my rite."

light the green candle.
Call Quarters facing east

"Wind of midsummer sirocco. Midsummer mantle of life. Breath of the midsummer twilight. Your clarity holds me guides and enfolds me. Welcome Spirit of Air to my rite."

light the yellow candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)

"Midsummer Sun King of wisdom and might. The power of summer and life at its height. Your energy holds me guides and enfolds me. Welcome Sun King to my rite."

light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)

"Midsummer Mother. Queen of the night. The power of magic
fulfilled in moonlight. Your spirit holds me guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Midsummer Queen to my rite."

light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame

"Spirit within me empower me now with your charge. Stir midsummer memories. Rouse midsummer mysteries. Awaken midsummer magic. Guide me, hold me, teach me, enfold me.
My hands in yours. Your heart in mine. Be with me now."

light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please

"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time. Joy and sorrow, day and night,
The past and tomorrow, death and life meet here as one.
Blessed be. "I come now between the worlds to celebrate the power of love, the power of midsummer, and the power of magic with this turn of he wheel."

Light the Cauldron candle.

"No longer day shall turn. No brighter candle burn. No wish shall be denied on this midsummer night."

Take the candle which represents your self and carve your name and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint it with your favorite scent, stub to wick, and light it from the cauldron candle

"I am (say your name). The power of light is mine. The power of midsummer is mine."

Set that candle in a holder and take the candle which represents your trouble and carve the name of your trouble and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint this candle with saltwater, wick to stub, and light it from the cauldron candle.

"You are my trouble. You are (name your trouble). I banish you and now… you are gone."

When the trouble candle burns past your carvings blow it out as you say "you are gone" and wrap that candle stub (to be buried off your property) in a mixture of salt and sand.

Now take the candle which represents your desire and carve the name of your desire and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint it with your favorite scent, stub to wick, and light it from the cauldron candle.

"I am (say your name). I come between the worlds with my desire. My desire is (name your desire). All powers that be, grant me this desire. Harming none, this be done."

Watch this candle burn, holding your desire firmly in your mind, until this candle burns out of it’s own accord.

"On Midsummer all desires are granted."

Wrap this candle stub, along with your "self" candle stub, in soil and sand and bury them somewhere on your property where they will remain undisturbed.

"Now it is done with no reverse to bring upon me any curse."

Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)

Simple Feast: Herbal tea or Fruity Juice and fruits from whatever summer bounty is available and freshest. Make liquid offerings to the elements. Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, or hand

"Spirit within my spirit, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite. Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell."

Thank the Moon raising your receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)

"Queen of the midsummer night, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance. Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell."

quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising your projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)

"Mighty midsummer King, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance. Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell."

quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters taking the appropriate positions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.

"Midsummer winds of clarity, Spirit of Air. Midsummer stones stability, Spirit of Earth. Midsummer tides of empathy, Spirit of Water. Midsummer flames of purity, Spirit of Fire. My thanks for your attending me. Stay or go as you shall please. Hail and farewell, and blessed be."

Release the Circle beginning at the Southern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little version of the comet you started with in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.

"The circle is open yet still unbroken. Merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."

Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)

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Friday Form A Circle – Litha Ritual For Covens

May 14, 2010 at 9:07 am (Circle, Friday, Litha, Magic, Midsummer, pagan, Ritual, Witch)

Litha Ritual For Covens

Items Needed:

  • A decorative wreath made from natural items, i.e. branches, flowers, feathers, etc.
  • Fresh, clean water. (Amount depends on how big you like your fires.)

Decorate the altar with roses and other summer flowers. A bonfire is constructed in the center of the circle. The wreath is also placed upon the altar. The Priest bears a God figure made of woven twigs and sticks. Coveners and guests also wear flowers. 
All enter the circle from the west, to face the rising sun. The fire is lit, and the Priestess says:

"We celebrate the Mid-of-Summer, held in honor of the Sun King. All of Nature vibrates with the fertileness of the Goddess and of the God. The Earth basks in the light and life of the Sun. The ever turning Wheel of the Year has made the light ever stronger. The light has kept growing longer, until today… The light is at its peak, Litha, Midsummer’s Day, Summer Solstice. 
From here, the light begins to fade, until once more the Wheel turns to the time of darkness. As the light dies, so the Lord of Light dies Himself, and sets sail across the dark seas of time, searching for the isle of light that is rebirth. Yet, for today, the Sun is high, the light is bright, the Earth is warm. As the Sun God blazes above, may the fires of our rite flame below."

Purify, cast the circle, and invoke the Goddess and the God. All dance around the fire, chanting:

"She is luminous
She is white
She is shining
Crowned with light!
He is radiant
He is bright
He is rising
He takes flight!"

The priest dances with the God figure in the center of the circle. The coveners place flowers on the figure until it is covered with blossoms. As the power grows, the Priest and Priestess dance closer to the fire. At the peak of the power, the priest tosses the figure into the flames and the chant stops as all meditate on the blazing blossoms.

The priestess carries the wreath around the circle, holding it up to each person’s face so that they can see the flames through it. She says,

"See with clear sight."

Each person puts a hand on the wreath and projects their troubles into the wreath. After making her way around the circle, the priestess holds the wreath aloft and says:

"Great Goddess and Great God, from Thee all powers flow forth.
Lord and Lady, Great Spirits of All-That-Is,
By Thy powers, and the powers of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,
By Thy powers, and the powers of the Sun, Moon, and Stars,
We banish these negatives from our lives." 
The wreath is then thrown onto the fire. As the fire burns down, douse the ashes with the water.

All say:

"As the Phoenix rises from the ashes, so let this water purify and renew. Mother Goddess, bless this water so that it may renew me. Father God, may your rays of the Midsummer sun bless and nourish me. Lord and Lady, may your blessings sustain me as I journey anew."

Ground the power, share food, and open the circle.

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Friday Form A Circle – Midsummer Solitary Ritual

May 7, 2010 at 9:56 am (Circle, Friday, Litha, Magic, Midsummer, pagan, Ritual, Solitary, Witch)

Midsummer Solitary Ritual
Source Unknown

Anoint your third eye with a citrus oil, such as orange, neroli, or lemon.


I enter this sacred space with the brightness of the sun in my heart. I am surrounded by the glory of the sun, inside and out. Blessed be!

Smudge your sacred space. Place some sand in an incense burner and light a block of incense charcoal. Sprinkle a bit of lemongrass on the charcoal and waft the smoke over the sacred space using a white feather. Say:

I cleanse and purify this space with the essence of the sun. This space is cleansed and purified, ready for my use. Blessed be!

Cast a Circle with a red candle. Starting in the south, walk deosil around the Circle, carrying a lit candle. Say:

I cast this Circle with the holy element of fire. Let this Circle be a blazing wall of protection, guarding me and keeping me safe. Let none but good enter here. Let none but good go from here. So mote it be.

Face South and say:

I call the blazing heat of the sun, Noon time. Fiery desert lion, I claim your strength! Be here and be welcome!

Face West and say:

I call the warm waters of a sun-warmed lake, Evening. Warm waters of the hot mineral springs, I claim your healing powers! Be here and be welcome!

Face North and say:

I call the searing sands of the desert, Midnight. Land of sparse barrenness, I claim your ability to burn away unnecessary details!

Face East and say:

I call the hot desert winds, Morning. Warm chinook winds, I claim your ability to blow away the chaff in my life!

Raise your arms and say:

My Lady of the Sun, Ameratsu, Sunna; My Lord of the Sun, Ra, Sol, I call upon you to help me illuminate my life And show me my strengths. Blessed be!

Light a red candle and place it in front of a mirror. Sit where you can gaze into the candle, and have the flame reflected back to you in the mirror. Gaze into the candle and say:

I ask the power of the flame and the power of the sun to illuminate my life and show me the hidden strengths within. So mote it be!

Watch the movement of the flame as it flickers and dances. Let the flame carry you into a light trance. Clear your mind of all extraneous thoughts. If stray thoughts try to intrude, just dismiss them. Just concentrate on the play of the fire. When you are done with your meditation, take a few minutes to write down the things you learned from your trip in the desert. Snuff the candle as you say: .

I thank the power of the flame and the light of the sun for showing me my strengths. Go with my gratitude. Blessed be!

Raise your arms and say:

My Lady of the Sun, Ameratsu, Sunna; My Lord of the Sun, Ra, Sol, I thank you for helping me illuminate my life and showing me my strengths. Blessed be!

Face South and say:

I thank the strengthening power of the sun, Noon time. Fiery desert lion, I claim your strength and I thank you for showing me the hidden strengths within. Go with my blessing and my gratitude. Hail and farewell!

Face West and say:

I thank the healing waters of the sun-warmed lake, Evening. Warm waters of the soul, I claim your healing powers and I thank you for showing me the hidden strengths within. Go with my blessing and my gratitude. Hail and farewell!

Face North and say:

I thank the searing sands of the desert, Midnight. Land of strong insights, I claim your ability to burn away unnecessary details and I thank you for showing me the hidden strengths within. Go with my blessing and my gratitude. Hail and farewell!

Face East and say:

I thank the hot desert winds, Morning. Fresh purifying winds, I claim your ability to blow away the chaff in my life and I thank you for showing me the hidden strengths within. Go with my blessing and my gratitude. Hail and farewell!

Picture the Circle melting into the Earth, being absorbed and turned into healing energy to heal the Earth and all the creatures on it. Say:

I thank and dismiss this Circle of fire. Let this Circle of protection now melt into the earth, to be transformed into healing energy for the earth and all of the creatures living here. Go with my blessing and my gratitude. Hail and farewell!

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Friday Form A Circle – Solitary Beltane Ritual

April 30, 2010 at 9:57 am (altar, Ancestors, Beltane, Circle, Friday, Magic, May Day, pagan, Ritual, Solitary, Witch)

Solitary Beltane Ritual
Found at
Spells Of Magic

A low altar should be built partially or entirely of stones at the middle of the ritual area.

What you will need:

  • God & Goddess candles
  • four spring-colored candles
  • 3 foot piece of wood to be used as a pole
  • fruit, flowers, bright ribbons to decorate the pole
  • 1/2 cup of wine
  • Beltane incense***
  • Your ritual tools (wand, bell, athame, etc)
  • parchment
  • writing implement

Place the God & Goddess candles on the altar, and arrange the altar as you usually do. (if the ritual is performed outdoors, the candles may be replaced be torches. These may be stuck in the ground on either side of the altar.)

Place the other four candles (or torches) before the altar to be lit later. The  pole should be erected on the far side of the altar: it should be decked with fruits, flowers, and bright ribbons. A half full cup of wine should be placed before the image of the Goddess.

Before dressing for the ceremony, take a ritual cleansing bath. For this ritual one should dress brightly and strikingly, wearing flowers and greenery according to taste. When ready to go on with the rite, meditate for a while before going into the ritual area, thinking strongly on the old pagan ways and trying to imagine the rituals which took place on this night in ages passed. Go alone to the ritual place. Kneeling before the altar, light the candles or torches on the altar, and the incense. Set alight the four candles before the altar and place them 3 to 5 feet from the altar at the North, then going deosil, saying:

Here at this spot do I create a place Sacred to the Gods of old. For a while, here and now shall the ancient ways live again!

Take the wand and hold it out and salute toward the East, saying:

Oh winds of the East blow sweet and pure! For the Lady reigns again!

Hold the wand out and salute toward the South, saying:

Oh warmth of the South bring forth life from the earth! For the Lady reigns again!

Hold the wand out and salute toward the West, saying:

Oh waters of the West glisten clear and fresh! For the Lady reigns again!

Hold the wand out and salute toward the North, saying:

Oh lands of the North grow rich and bounteous! For the Lady reigns again!

Replace the wand and hold your arms out over the altar, saying:

Gracious and lovely Lady of the moon, of joy and love, Protecteress of forests and wild things, this place is consecrated to Thee.

Take up the wine cup, hold it out at arm’s length, and pour out a few drops, saying:

To the Great Ones of old and to the joyous times to come!

Drink some of the wine (or if you cannot drink alcohol, use an appropriate substitute). After a brief pause, rap three times on the altar with the wand saying:

As woods and meadows flower forth I celebrate the ancient rite, as the Ancients did before me. I cast the words into the mists of time and space and otherwhere: Where one stays now, in years to come, may scores of others revel there. So may it be!

Rap once upon the altar. (More incense should be added now. Ad-lib additions are appropriate at this time – meditations, poetry and the like.) (If a source of proper music is available, a solitary Dance of the Winds may be improvised.)

Draw the Fertility talisman on the parchment, suffumigate it thrice, bow humbly and say:

Friends of the nether worlds Now, come and assist us in our humble workings. Follow us to another sacred place of ours, and join your forces with ours, on this Fertilization Day.

Bury the talisman into the ground under an oak tree (if available), saying an ad-lib statement on the meaning of the talisman and its correspondences. Go back to the circle. When all is done, close by rapping four time with the wand, saying:

Friends of the nether worlds who have been about me for a while you may, with thanks, return from whence you came.

Hold out arms and say:

Blessed Lady of joy and laughter I thank Thee for Thy presence. May some of your love and power remain with me. Blessed Be!

Put out the lights about the altar. As the two on the altar itself are darkened, say:

This rite is ended…

Note: Alter this ritual as needed to fit your circumstance. Note that many Beltane celebrations extend roughly one week past the May 1’st date, so any time in early May is appropriate to celebrate, in case you miss celebrating it on the May 1st date.

***Beltane Incense


  • 3 Parts Frankincense
  • 2 Parts Sandalwood
  • 1 Part Woodruff
  • 1 Part Rose petals
  • a few drops Jasmine oil
  • a few drops neroli Oil

Burn during rituals on Beltane or May Day for fortune & favors & to attune with the changing of the seasons.

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Friday Form A Circle – Hand Fasting Ritual

April 16, 2010 at 9:11 am (Beginnings, Beltane, Blessing, Circle, Friday, Handfasting, Love, Magic, Marriage, pagan, Ritual, Witch)

Hand Fasting Ritual
Source: Banshee from
Seasons of the Moon
Found at Daughters of Earth Wisdom Coven Website

Beltane is a special time of year, with love and lust in the air. Beltane, because of its association with fertility, love, and sexual desire, was seen as an excellent time to marry one’s beloved. If you are considering having a handfasting ceremony, renewing your vows, or want to affirm them in a pagan ceremony, consider performing your own handfasting ritual this Beltane season!


  • Long ribbon or soft rope (~ 3 feet)
  • Vows to exchange (written by the couple)
  • Small gifts (or rings) to be exchanged by the couple.
  • 5 rose candles (Quarter and god candle (god candle can be red))
  • 1 white candle (Goddess candle)
  • Gifts from the coven/guests for the couple

Cast the circle normally. Invoke the Goddess and God normally, or as below. If no HPs are available or you are a solitary, work all elements of the ritual yourself.

We call upon you in the guise of Eros, 
Kindler of desire, 
Bringer of love, 
to join us here and witness the bonding 
of _____and_____.


We call upon you in the guise of Aphrodite, 
Always desirous one, 
Sensual lover, 
to join us here and witness the joining 
of _____and _____. 
Grounding meditation

The HPriest and HPriestess motion the two people to be hand fasted to join them before the altar. Couple faces the altar.

HPriest:(to one of the couple, the female if the couple are of opposite gender)

Do you _____join us here of your own free will, to acknowledge before the Lord and Lady the bond that is shared between yourself and _____.

Person 1: (responds (hopefully this will be a yes 🙂 if not, go to closing).

HPriestess asks the other the same thing and gets response. Couple turns to face each other and join their left hands. Each now recites the vows they have prepared.

HPriest: (taking the joined left hands, and the rope)

Here before witnesses, _____ and _____ have sworn vows to each other. With this cord, I bind them to the vows that they each have made. (wrap the cord loosely around both arms) However this binding is not tied, so that neither is restricted by the other, and the binding is only enforced by both their wills. 

Couple: (turning to face each other, in unison)

Heart to thee, 
Soul to thee, 
Body to thee, 
Forever and always, 
So mote it be.


So mote it be.

Couple unbinds their left arms. Couple exchanges the gifts they have brought for each other. Coven members and guests give couple good wishes and/or gifts. Great Rite and Cakes and Ale. Bid farewell to God and Goddess as usual, or as below.


We thank you Aphrodite, for your presence among us, and as you take your leave, we ask that you leave among us, in each of us, the ability to each be sensual lover, and desirous one. 
Hail and farewell.


We thank you Eros, for your presence here this day, and ask, as you take your leave, that you leave in each of us, the ability to be 
a bringer of desire, and kindler of love. 
Hail and farewell.

Dismiss the Quarters, and open the circle.

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Friday Form A Circle – Ribbon Ritual for Beltane

April 9, 2010 at 9:37 am (Beltane, Circle, Friday, Healing, Life, Magic, pagan, Ritual, Solitary, Spring, Witch)

Ribbon Ritual for Beltane
Found at My Thing Links

This is a ritual binding of life and the beauties of life to the Earth plane/the self ….


  • some lengths of ribbon to braid during the Magic making portion of your ritual the idea here is that you (your body) symbolically becomes the shamanistic tree – that you see yourself as the shaman on the tree (in your body), able to bring forth a variety of things from the Otherworld into manifestation here on Earth.

Each ribbon will represent one aspect of your life that you’d like to bind closer to you (while realizing the constraints that doing so might imply). Choose the ribbon colors accordingly. For example, if you want to bring financial security into your life and bind it to you, have a green ribbon on your altar. (Or perhaps you find  silver or gold might work better for you here.) If you’d like your life to be constantly surrounded by love, add a pink (or red) ribbon to the array on your altar. If you’d like peace of mind/emotional stability to be a constant in your life, add a light blue ribbon to the mix, etc.

I’d recommend each ribbon be as long as you are tall. Symbolically then, each ribbon represents your physical self. Be sure your altar set-up includes a symbol/tool associated with each of the four elements. Now light your candles and incense and create your sacred space in your usual manner. Invoke – Whom you feel is appropriate. Ask [this being] to join you in your dance of life. Include movement in your invocation if you like.

You’ll now need to bless each ribbon by the four elements. Take your time in doing this. Pass each one through the incense smoke (Air), over a candle flame (Fire), sprinkle each with water (Water), and pass each through a bowl of sea salt (Earth).  Or, think of the smoking censer as representing Air and Fire. Put some sea salt in your water vessel, stir, and think of it as representing Water and Earth. Then just pass each ribbon through the smoke and sprinkle it with the water mixture, thereby blessing each by all four elements. However you decide to do it, take some time to think about just exactly what it is each ribbon represents to you. What it is you’d like to bind to you/bring to the fullness of life within your life? What benefits will accrue to you in so doing? What is the down side in each case, and how will you handle it?

Now gather all ribbons together and tie a knot at the top to hold them together. Meditate on bringing all these things forth in your life and on how they will interact with each other to turn your life into a beautiful braid of happiness and well-being. Remember to envision yourself enmeshed in this braiding as it progresses. When you near the end, tie it off in similar fashion to your beginning knot.

End the Magic by blessing the finished braid with your body. After all, your body symbolically lies at the heart of the braid. Breathe on it (Air). Gather it to your heart (Fire). Spit on it or lick it (Water). Coil it up and stand with it under your foot for a few moments (Earth). Now call the blessing of the Goddess into it.

Wear your braid now, or carry it on your person for the rest of the day and/or night. Keep the braid in some secret and safe place away from the prying eyes and possible ill wishes of others. Or, if you’re not worried about that, keep it on your altar for the coming seasons of growth and harvest

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Thursday This Is Your Spell – Healing Spiritual Illness

April 8, 2010 at 9:10 am (Ancestors, Banish, Beltane, Circle, Cleansing, Depression, Healing, Hope, Life, Magic, pagan, Spell, Witch)

Healing Spiritual Illness
Source Unknown

A spiritual illness can be felt in a variety of ways. There may be a feeling of being totally drained, usually a result of depression (which is an illness of the spirit as well as of the mind), there may be addictions, there may be a string of bad luck, poor social relationships etc. Spiritual illness can also produce physical illness.
If it is you that is suffering from this illness, cast a circle and then visualize white light streaming from above into you. You should be able to feel this light like a warm wave of love. It is the love of The Goddess and of the spirits of your ancestors and guardians that you carry with you always. Concentrate on realizing that you are a Star of God sent into this world for spiritual experience and that the difficulties you are experiencing are only temporary and are a necessary part of your journey to spiritual enlightenment.

Great Goddess and all you spirits of love that surround me, bring me blessings. Be with me now and forever.

If this healing is for someone else, you will of course have to persuade them to be involved in this-if the person is a big cynic, this can be a difficult task, so perhaps one of the other healing spells would be a better choice. But if the person is into it, cast a circle, then, as before, visualize white light streaming from above, into your head, and through your body. Then lay your hands (which will probably have a slight to moderate tingling feeling) on the person and send the energy flowing into them.

You are filled with the white light of The God/dess. You are a Star of God. You are surrounded by loving spirits. Great God/dess and all you spirits of love that surround (person’s name), bring him/her blessings. Be with him/her, now and forever.

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Friday Form A Circle – Ritual For Fertility

April 2, 2010 at 9:18 am (Beltane, Blessing, Circle, Fertility, Friday, Magic, pagan, Ritual, Witch)

Ritual For Fertility
From Ravenhawk’s Academy of Magick & Mysticism

Moon Phase: Waxing to Full
Time of day: The time you are usually most creative, for me it is the morning

  • Sandalwood incense, for mental fertility
  • Peach incense for physical fertility
  • Incense burner

Gods/Goddesses to Call (choose 1 or 2):

  • Diana
  • Freyer
  • Ishtar
  • Liber
  • Liberia
  • Brigit
  • Cerridwen
  • Cernunnos.

Food and Drink:

  • Salad of shredded carrots, cucumber, and rice with an olive oil and garlic
    dressing (served cold, use brown rice)
  • a banana for dessert
  • Peach Tea

Do what you need to do to prepare for ritual. cast a circle and invoke your deities. State your purpose and goal. Make it very specific. Light your incense. Imagine the incense filling that part of you that you wish fertility to touch. It must fill you, grow around you and touch every part of you. Starting in the east you face each of the four directions imploring them:

East: "Watchtowers of Air send your winds to wash the stagnant part of me away"

South: "Watchtowers of Fire send your heat to fire my (brain, womb, loins)"

West: "Watchtowers of Water fill me with fertility

North: "Great Goddess, Mother, make me as fertile as your rainforests, your oceans fill me with life and hope"

Lie on the floor head toward the north arms and legs outstretched. If you are not alone have your significant other or coven mates place their hand above your loins (not touching) or head and send you healing energy.

"Oh great _____ I implore you to fill me with ripened fruit that I may bear __________. Fill my (womb/loins/mind) with power and light."

Feel your body fill with power. Feel the power emanate from the place you wish to be fertile. Kneel before your alter:

The HPs blesses the food and tea. Eat the food with your fingers imagining the food feeding that which about you is infertile, then drink the tea in one draught. (This is not meant to be a meal, merely fill you with the energy of the food).
Close your circle in a normal manner.
Ground and center.
If you are doing the spell to be physically fertile be sure to have unprotected sex within 24 hours.
*for female physical fertility this spell should be done 14 days after a woman’s cycle begins. For a man it does not matter.

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Disclaimer: No one involved in this blog or its contents may be held responsible for any adverse reactions arising from following any of the instructions/recipes on this list. It is the reader’s personal responsibility to exercise all precautions and use his or her own discretion if following any instructions or advice from this blog.

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